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Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services, in collaboration with Adult Pediatric Institute, are proud to offer the pinnacle in comprehensive and inclusive autism evaluations at no cost to children in Florida through the Florida Elks for Autism program. Click below to see if you qualify and to get the process started.

Step Up For Students

A Unique Education for a Unique Child

Children with unique abilities may have different needs when it comes to their education. And we believe they deserve an opportunity to thrive and learn in an environment that will best support their success.

The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA) enables families to personalize the education of their students by directing funds to where they’re needed most.

The funds can be used for a combination of programs and approved expenses including therapists, specialists, curriculum, private school, a college savings account and more.”


Children’s Services Council of Martin County

The Children’s Services Council of Martin County is an independent special district of local government.

The Council provides a dedicated funding source for children’s programs proven to positively impact the quality of life for all residents of Martin County.

Visit The Council page to learn more about the Children’s Services Council of Martin County and the programs available for families in our area.

iBudget Florida

Home and Community-Based (HCBS) Waiver

iBudget Florida gives APD customers flexibility to choose medically necessary services that meet their health and safety needs. Explore this website to find out more about iBudget Florida.

You can find more information on how to apply for iBudget services here. 

Community Unity: Adult & Pediatric Institute

Proudly provided by Children’s Services Council of Martin County. In this episode, Manager of Community Engagement, Cheree Ramirez, had the opportunity to sit down with Nicole Clark, MSN, BA, PMHRN-BC the Chief Executive Officer for Adult Pediatric Institute.

CSCMC is excited to bring you the Community Unity series from the 10th Street Studio, in partnership with the City of Stuart, located at the 10th Street Community Center.

Tips & Info From Our Feed

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May your day be full of love and happiness around the ones that you care the most!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Adult and Pediatric Institute for Health and Wellness

#valentinesday #love #loveyourself #selfcare #selflove
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From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in a moment of boredom and disinterest. At this moments we feel tired, irritable and unmotivated. Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by work, or sad about the pain and suffering in the world, or just bored with the routine of your daily life. You are not alone. We all go through periods like this at some point. The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help you feel excited about life again:

1. Take a time out: Before doing anything, take a few minutes to breathe and just be. Empty your mind of all stress and worry. As thoughts come into your mind, gently push them back out and continue to keep your mind empty and calm. Take slow, deep breaths and let all of your muscles relax. Sit quietly and recharge your batteries. Try to do this daily, or even twice daily (morning and night).
2. Get inspired: - Read something motivational, inspirational or uplifting. Look at some beautiful nature photos, or read something humorous. Consciously move your thoughts to a more positive place. We just have to seek out things that will lift our spirits and our moods. Make it a point to laugh, be happy, joyful and lighthearted each day.
3. Get Excited - Think about the things you have planned for the day, and rekindle the enthusiasm you once felt for them. When we first begin a new project, or start a new job, we are excited about the possibilities and eager to get moving! Travel back in time for a moment, and think about what got you so excited at the beginning. What made your heartbeat a little faster? Recapture that feeling and hang onto it!
4. Baby Steps - Sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started. Instead of overwhelming yourself, start small. Don't focus on the big picture, look at the smaller details and take them on one at a time. Any large task seems manageable once we break it down into smaller steps.
5. Take care of your body - Sometimes our feelings of fatigue are caused by physical deficiencies, not mental. Be sure you are getting enough rest, eating food that nourishes your body, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise, etc.

#mindsetshift #mindsetmatters
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Mindful Monday

Our mindset will not change, or shift just because we want to. It will change if we work and put effort on it. Being conscious and aware of the positive things we have around us, it does not matter how small they are, will help increase our confidence and level of inspiration. Make this a daily habit, and you will see how you will start seeing your world in another way! Having a positive mindset is POWER!

Adult and Pediatric Institute for Health and Wellness

#mentalhealthmatters #MentalWellness #thinkpositive #HealthyHabits #mentalhealthawareness #mentalwellbeing
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Perseverance: Continuing to do something in spite of obstacles or difficulties. One of the best qualities to have because with perseverance success in your endeavors is almost guaranteed.

1. To persevere we need to believe that we actually can succeed. If we don’t believe success is possible for us, we will not be motivated to continue. If we don’t have much belief in ourselves, we will quit our efforts more easily, and when we quit, we obviously do not succeed and that seems to give credit to the idea we couldn’t succeed anyway. Sadly, this can develop into a regular, negative habit. If on the other hand, we believe we will succeed, we will not give up. We may encounter great difficulties or even defeats, but because we believe we’ll ultimately succeed, even with failures we just change our tactics or adjust our goals a little and continue to try. Because we keep trying and adjusting we greatly improve our chances of success.

The heart of success is the ability to persevere. How do we encourage this quality in ourselves?

2. Understand that you will want to quit earlier than planned, but persistence will almost always lead to success.

3. When you start moving towards a new goal, make a promise make a promise to yourself that you will try it for a specific period of time and won’t quit before that time is up. Make the interval of time short if you need to, but no matter what, keep your promise and do not quit before the allotted time. When the deadline arrives, you can then decide if your strategy is working and you should continue in the same manner, or if you need to make adjustments in your strategy. Allow yourself to abandon one strategy in favor of another after you’ve given it a fair trial, but never quit on your goals. Only change your strategies.

Perseverance is a master skill in life.
Be perseverant in what you want, love, in life. Make it a habit! and don't quit your goals!

Adult and Pediatric Institute for Health and Wellness

#perseverance #perseverancia #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #westpalmbeach #mentalwellness #mentalhealthmatters #selfcare
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Happy birthday to the best game player around! Our kiddo's love getting to play games with Marina to help them relax into their appointments and decompress afterwards! She puts so many smiles on so many kid's faces! ... See MoreSee Less

Mindful Monday

Many people throughout their lives are waiting to do things when the time is perfect, when the conditions are perfect or comfortable. It is extremely important to understand that if we really wait for the PERFECT moment, we will never start. Life is about making mistakes, and learning from them. Life is about falling and standing up, and try again. So.. if you place PROGRESS over PERFECTION and really act even when you are not ready, you are already moving forward! So... no matter how many mistakes, obstacles, falls, disappointments or just feeling you are moving slow... YOU ARE STILL MOVING, slow but moving and you will be way ahead of everyone who is not trying just because they are waiting for the PERFECT time. I guarantee you there is no perfect time than just STARTING.

So what are you waiting for? Start today and act! Actions convert any DREAM into a goal, and goals are definitively things that with PROGRESS will convert into reality. NOT PERFECTION! Perfection is

Adult and Pediatric Institute for Health and Wellness
Serving FL and Virginia
Locations: Stuart and WPB, Florida

#MentalWellness #thinkpositive #SelfCare #motivation #focus #goalsetting #perseverance #HealthyHabits #CelebrateWins #progressoverperfection #mentalhealthcoach #dontgiveup
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Aging play an important role in self care. The older we get, the more conscious we are about our health. Why to wait to long? Or wait until we start getting sick and weak? If we start practicing self care habits from a young age we are decreasing the risk of illness in a long term, we improve overall mental and physical health, we increase longevity and our quality of life enhances over time. Let's start today! Is NEVER to late! Self care is mental and physical care together. One is NOT more important that the other.

#mental #selfcarematters #mentalhealthisimportant #mentalhealthselfcare #mentalwellbeing #mentalwellbeingmatters #mentalwellnessmatters #selflove #selfcareisntselfish #selfcare #selfcareday #selfcarefirst
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How to practice self-care in kids:

Mindfulness: Allows children to practice imaginative play, and/or crafts. This type of activity helps in developing different skills to work things out in their mind. This helps in gaining insight and awareness.

Talk about emotions with them: Use simple ways to communicate. Help them to talk about their emotions, and identify a specific emotion. By teaching this early in childhood your child will learn how to understand, identify and manage their emotions properly giving them the skills to handle difficult situations better later as an adult.

Spent time together: Be attentive, and get out of the phone! Quality time with children is extra important.

Teach basic skills: personal hygiene (brush teeth, take a bath), healthy nutrition, say thank you, as examples.

Allow for downtime: Read to them, cuddle with them, watch TV with them, or go outside and watch the clouds float by, for example. They will learn that is ok to have downtime, and that these skills will help them slow down their busy lives in the future.

Be active: Easy to teach self-care habit! Just encourage an active lifestyle as young as possible. Play sports, go to the park, do bike rides, do long walks, do yoga, anything that maintains you and your child active. When we are active we are more likely to be healthier physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being active is a stress reliever technique that can be carried into their future.

Most likely you are already practicing all these skills with them. Just keep doing it and be consistent! When they are ready you will be surprised to see your child grow confident and independent. We are their role models!

These techniques are simple to implement! Just do it, start today and be consistent!

#mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #SelfCare #mentalhealthselfcare #selfcarematters #kids #selfcarefirst #kidsselfcare #selfcareinkids #kidsmentalhealth
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We are excited to announce that we will now be accepting United Healthcare plans for our psychiatric services (medication management, talk therapy, psychiatric evaluations)! This will allow more people to access our high quality of care without having to pay out of pocket!

Call today to go over your benefits and get started on a journey to a better you!

#adultandpedsinstitute #mentalhealthmatters #childpsychiatrist #adultpsychiatrist #floridapsychiatrist #virginiapsychiatrist #mentalwellnessmatters
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