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5 Common Suicide Myths

5 Common Suicide Myths : Understanding the Truth

5 Common Suicide Myths Debunked: Understanding the Truth Suicide is a serious issue that affects many lives, but there are several misconceptions that can hinder our understanding and response to it. Let’s debunk five common myths about suicide to promote better awareness and support. Myth 1: Suicide Only Affects People with Mental Illness Fact: While…

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ADHD Self-Care Tips

ADHD Self-Care Tips

ADHD Self-Care Tips: A Balanced Approach to Thriving Living with ADHD presents unique challenges, from managing daily routines to maintaining positive relationships. Yet, effective self-care can significantly enhance quality of life. Here are some essential ADHD self-care tips, drawing from the Peds Institute and expert insights. 1. Addressing Physical Needs Self-care starts with meeting your…

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